You can create a Post from the dashboard > Posts > Add New. Edit/Delete this post from the dashboard > All Posts.
This is a Post with a “Featured Image,” like the image show above. It is highly suggested you add a “Featured Image” to all your posts. Go to your settings bar on the right hand side, click on “Post,” scroll down to “Featured Image.”
Also, on the right hand side, scroll down to “Categories.” this is a Post on my reading assignment for my course URB635, so it has several categories:
- “SLU Coursework,” which is a Parent Category,
- 2021 Spring, and
- URB635, my course code.
Posts set to specific categories will display on the category archive page≤ on your menu bar with the newest posts at the top. If you wish to create a page that displays Posts across multiple categories, add the “Posts” page to your navigation menu.
Especially for reading assignments, you might consider using a block for a “Pullquote” such as the one below.
“The nature of the criminal justice system has changed. It is no longer primarily concerned with the prevention and punishment of crime, but rather with the management and control of the dispossessed.”
Michelle Alexander